Well Ladies and Gents
This post has been a long time coming. For now I'm posting What I can since I wasn't at the meeting unfortunately. While y'all were toasting the 16th anniversary, Me and Jan I was having wild dreams. Not very nice ones either. Me and drugs don't always work well together. In fact by midnight that nite the special cocktail shot the doc gave me after the surgery wore off and I was an unhappy camper. I'm finally able to walk with out a limp until I get tired but pain is gone unless I twist the wrong direction. I know I shouldn't do that. ;o)
From what I heard the meeting was a great success. Way to go Brenny. Wish I'd been there but the knee surgery took precedent. Especially since David decided I could go first and now it looks like he won't have to have major surgery after all. Well at least not for now. The bum.
Here's a recap of what I got from Brenny:
We had a toast to you last night for all your hard work over these years, and to Janice for starting the club. Dinner was great and the company was as well. Cheryl F, Dawnie, Gaye Marie, Diana D, Lisa Rhodes, Debra, Janice Leone, and Susan Shultz were there. The discussion was lively, so it looks like the choice of book turned out to be a good one. I think it was agreed that Ms Fee would write the review of this one since you weren’t there. We did get some group photos. Diana brought her camera and had our waiter take the pics.
Cheryl chose Let’s Pretend This Never Happened (A Mostly True Memoire) by Jenny Lawson as the next book.
It was funny because Dawnie is reading it now and it was going to be her pick when it came her turn. She said it’s hilarious and describes her life. I think she’s going to let you pick next, since Ms. Fee stole her book and now she has to find a new one (and because we don’t want you to miss your turnJ). I think it was agreed that Ms Fee would write the review of this one since you weren’t there.
That's it for now Ladies and Gents. When Cheryl gets time and can get me her review of the meeting for Elegance of the Hedgehog I'll add it to this post but for now you got me. And maybe Diana Davilla will share her pictures with me and I'll post her pictures of the nite at Harvest Organic Grille
Your unofficial secretary/photographer