Thursday, August 25, 2016

The Far Empty Discussion hosted by Gaye

Another lovely evening with friends with a common bond...reading and laughter. Gaye wasn't expecting the so many to show up but was so happy to see everyone come out to discuss her book choice The Far Empty by J. Todd Scott. Even had a surprise return from Lauren who had been MIA due to school and work. Welcome back. Hopefully school won't interfere too much this year.
Everyone thought the book was a good read and didn't want to put the book down. It was a real page turner. My review on this one won't be that great because I'm still reading but this is what I got out of the discussion which was going every which way. LOL What's new.
It was agreed that the book was around Alpine Texas and probably actually the town of Marfa out in West Texas. The name was just changed to Murfee. Did I get that right? 
The book was bloody, evil, had death, crooked cops, and drug etc. The author is an Ex-DEA agent that threaded a good tale based on his own experiences. Everyone was a little surprised that this was a book that Gaye picked. I mean it was kind of gruesome and all the sex. LOL

The big question was "Did the Sheriff kill his wife" well the book never comes right and says but the group present said without a question he did.
Everyone agreed that Duane was the biggest villain in the book.

Thanks for picking this book, serving up some good food and conversation Gaye. Had a great time. Oh and I have to mention the awesome dessert. It was Brenny's recipe apparently that she had and while making for us tonight she
accidentally modified but it was so good and refreshing. She even cut me a piece to bring home and I sadly went off and left it. aauuughh! It had mandarin oranges and pineapple in it. I'm drooling just writing about it. Oh and remember Gaye you're suppose to share the recipe with everyone.

Next to choose was Ed. His choice was Music for Chameleons..New Writings by Truman Capote. Next meeting will be October 20th. Ed always pulls out the good ones for us to read. Get busy folks. This book has 4-5 short stories to enjoy.

At the October meeting the
Next to Choose will be:   Jan, Kathy. Lisa, Pam, Patrick, Sandy 

Until the next meeting ...
Your unofficial Secretary/Photographer

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