Well Ladies and Gents if you didn't make it out for the appetizer book club meeting for Kathy's Books
"Heaven is for Real" by Todd Burpo and the second book to read is "The Alchemist" by Paulo Coelho and Alan R. Clarke you missed a very pleasant evening and some tasty morsels. Very tasty. Thanks for opening your home to this crowd.
You know how we all tend have these perceived notions of what books we will or won't read and some more than others....
Well Suz had already rolled her eyes at the announcement of the books and said "nope" not gonna read that". So much for that thought. Suz decided to read was very happy she did. It made her think of that fateful Easter Sunday when Rachel her daughter disappeared. Suz had looked out the door but didn't see anything and was about to close the door. But something stopped her and a little voice said "look again" and so she did and that's when she saw Rachel who was a toddler back then headed down the street to a very busy intersection. Guardian Angel was with Rachel and Suz that day.
Kathy picked these books because they were inspiring and gave her
hope that one she will be reunited with her own baby. She said that as her faith tends to waiver these books were uplifting and inspiring.
I like these kind of books myself. I like to think I'll get to see my grandparents and many other loved ones I've lost.
It was a fun and relaxing evening with friends who enjoy reading.
One of the tasty treats Kathy served was water chestnuts wrapped in bacon and dipped in a homemade sauce. OMG so good.
2 cans of whole water chestnuts and one pound of bacon cut into thirds. Wrap and bake until bacon is done.
Oh get this Cindy actually got Suzanne to Blush. Big time. I don't think I've ever seen that happen. LOL 2 points for Cindy.
Cindy took the picture here.
Suzanne was at the meeting and thought she was ready to announce a book but suddenly forgot the name. Hate to tell you Suz that's a sign of aging. JK
Suzanne's book choice is The Lacuna by Barbara Kingsolver. Our next meeting is Thursday December 18th at Freda's Restaurant on Ella.
Next to choose::: Kris, Lauren, or Lisa Rhodes, Lisa Roper, Naomi, or Pam. Be ready Ladies!
Also !! It was discussed at the last meeting about removing some people off the email list so I will be removing a few names off the email list since you haven't been to a meeting in over a year. You can always check the blog page for book, meeting dates, times and place should you want to join us. Just let me know. We've tried to maintain the membership to around 20-22 people or it gets to big if even 70% show up.
So Here's who will be removed :o(
Lauren Rose
Naomi Bonte
Angie McVay
Dawnie Hebert-Tyler
Lisa Roper
*Sandy I will leave you on as per our discussion since you are now in a position to start attending again. Is there anyone else
***Also please be considerate to a book club host/hostess and be sure to RSVP to the EVITES.
If for some reason you can't RSVP to the EVITE please email me and let know whether you plan on attending the meeting. I can edit invitee's responses.
It's really hard to plan for seating and food especially if we're having it in our home.
It only takes 3 minutes tops to click YES NO or MAYBE.
That's it for now.
Happy Reading
Your unofficial Secretary/Photographer