How many of you could pronounce the restaurant name? Well Gaye could.
What do you think of Jim Gaffigan and what did you think of the book.
Barbara loved seeing this guy in person. She wanted a book with no plot, some humor and thought this one fit the bill.
A little story... While Gaye was getting ready for knee surgery Diana and Barbara read some of the book to her. I believe maybe drugs were involved then again maybe not but our Gaye was hitting on the anesthesiologist and they had the nurse laughing so hard she had to sit down. Just a little story I had to throw in. Okay you had to be there...
Jim had a unique point of view. He saw seafood as bugs like cock roaches or spiders for example. I kinda have to agree with him that how can you trust a skinny food critic. I mean if you love food you need a little meat on your bones. Obviously there's a lot of talk about food in this book so don't read if you're hungry or you could be running to the fridge. Jim Gaffigon will talk about all the foods he likes and dislike and break them down by region. I did chuckle several times and so did others. When he compares an anchovy to a sweaty eyebrow was one of them for me. Especially because it made me think of a co-work who can't stand cilantro and says it smells like a sweaty little kid. I love cilantro. We died laughing at lunch one day as we were eating Mexican food and she wasn't because it had lots of
This guy lives in a 2 bedroom apartment with his wife and 5 kids. Wow and they even go out to eat. I think that would give him more material for his comedy acts.
Favorite quote
Hope your Coffee is Strong
Your Cheese is Sharp
and your
Guacamole is chunky.
Well I was told to take off my secretary hat and put down my pen because What happens at book club stays at book club. Yep some of it was R rated maybe X. Nay just R but it was funny.No one before me had a book so I announce my book for our next reading assignment......
And my choice was "The Captain's Wife" by Douglas Kelley. The book is based on true events. Our next meeting will be July 16th and the location will be announced at a later date.
At that time the next to choose will be Lisa Rhodes, Pam, Patrick, Sandy, Cheryl, Cindy.
PS: Soap box time **When the Evite goes out Please take the 2-3 minutes it takes to RSVP even if it means you have to email me. It's hard to plan on seating and food sometimes if you don't reply and then show up. Please.. And a big Thank you to those who take the time to hit reply or email me your status.
I guess my meeting attendance just dropped after my soap box. aka your book club nazi

You unofficial secretary/photographer