Wednesday, September 30, 2015

The Orphan Train by Christina Baker Klein hosted by Diana Davila

Wish everyone could have joined us Thursday September 24th for the book discussion for Diana's Book choice but I understand all too well that things happen and you can't always make it but we're always happy when you do. Seven of us made it out for some good food, margarita's, friends and conversation.Teotihuacan Mexican Cafe provides plenty of tasty food to pick from and the prices are reasonable.  
Everyone present loved the book and the story line. Now Barbara felt it was wrapped up to nice and neat. And question how could a mother an orphan herself ever do what she did. Sorry can't tell you everything.... 
The story kept everyone's attention and wanting more. You'll get sucked up into the characters lives and wonder why and how they did what they did. You'll disagree, you'll question but you'll find yourself accepting their decisions.

Young Molly an orphan finds herself in trouble with the law and needs to complete 50 hours of community service. She hides behind her goth dress her pain and rejection. The popular boy in her new school, Jack, could see past the dress and dark make up and became her boyfriend. To avoid jail time he has arranged for Molly to do community service with the help of his reluctant mother for a 91 year old woman named Vivian Daly. Molly learns that Vivian was an orphan too and that's when the story begins and the bond begins.

The story bounces back and forth between the 1920's to the present. You'll find love, perseverance, adversity and survival. You'll find secrets of the past how child welfare made their choices and other dark secrets.

Great book Diana. I've still got to finish and I will because the book is really good.

Trumpets please....... Cindy's choice is The Dog Who Saved Me by Susan Wilson. Our next meeting is Thursday November 19th. 

Next to choose will be Cheryl, Deborah, Denise, Ed, or Gaye

FYI I will be dropping Kris and Susan from our regular membership list but Ladies that doesn't mean you can't come back. Just follow the blog and you'll know what book we're reading and when we'll be meeting.  Just let me know and I'll add you back on the email list if so desired. 

Your unofficial secretary/photographer

