Sunday, June 30, 2013

2013 06-27 Hope:A Tragedy by Shalom Auslander hosted by Dawn @ Italiano's

Well we were small in numbers but big on friendship and talk. When has this group ever been quiet? mmm Nope can't think of a time. Sorry the rest of ya couldn't join us. Hope those of you who couldn't join us had fun on your trip, took care of business and I really hope everyone feels better. Suz and Sandy are recovering from surgery and Kathy was feeling under the weather.

Now what can I say about the book? Well according to Dawn she picked this book because of the other books she's read by Auslander. He's humor is dark but you're generally laughing but this book missed the mark and Dawn hated her own book.  She was very disappointed in this Auslander book

The book tended to be so repetitive. Solomon kept putting store bought vegetables, fruits, and even ground meat out on top of the soil in his mother's garden trying to fool her into thinking it all grew overnight. Really. And the mother coming into the house all excited about the crop. 
I got tired of his constant complaining and whining about his mother, about the smell of his unwanted house guest and his constant paranoia. All the characters have issues and are not very appealing. Not even poor Kugel's son who is sickly.

I won't spoil the ending for those of you who want to finish the book hoping for redemption or a great reveal.

No one but Gaye actually liked this book. This Dawnie, was a little weird book even for you. Sorry.

The book may have gone astray but the group enjoyed the evening and the company.

Now for our next book.............................Deborah chose Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet by Jamie Ford. Next meeting will be on Wednesday August 7th.

Next to choose will be Denise, Diana, Ed or Gaye! Be ready guys.

Your unofficial secretary/photographer

1 comment:

  1. Carla
    I hope you guys had a great time !!! I would have to say that even though the book was very dark and repetitive, I think that it was a good example of how the human mind can be affected by it's influences while growing up. His mother obviously had issues, which had a domino effect on Kugel. I appreciate that he was kind enough to try and appease his mom the best he could although he knew her stories were seriously embellished. But with something as horrific as the holocaust, I could see how a person could be so affected that they could create stories as she believed they happened.

    Also the idea that Anne Frank could have escaped and needed to live out her life hidden in an attic wasn't too far fetched for me.

    I thought it was a very different book, I ended up enjoying it. Gaye is not alone :) ~Jan~


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