I can't report on the actual meeting since I wasn't there but here's what I know about the book.
Soup by Jon Gordon was a learning book. A book to help inspire. Build your team, your company and even yourself up. Look for the pros not the cons.
A positive environment is always better and more productive than a negative one.
Everyone that went to this meeting brought a soup to share. I hear they had some tasty soups. Like when do we turn down food.
I can come back and add to this post once Cheryl and Diana come up for air and give me some insight to the meeting that night.
Sorry I was a slacker that night and couldn't be there but life happens.
I was able to find out that Gaye announced the next book. Her choice was Eleanor Oliphant by Gail Honeyman. Her meeting is scheduled for October 18th at her home.
Next to Choose: Ed, Jan, Jennifer, Kathy, Lisa, Pam, Patrick, Sandy, Susan or Suzanne
Hopefully one of the above will be at the meeting and ready to announce a book!
That's it for now. Hugs everyone
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