Had a great time as always with this band of readers. Wish everyone could have made it but that's life. The evening was a success. We ate pizza, had wine or soda and discussed the book. Now I'm not saying we didn't get side tracked. HA That's and impossible feat with this group.
Suzanne loves her SciFi/Fantasy books and the book she chose for us was Book 1 of a series of 12 if I remember right. You don't know how hard it was for me to convince her to choose a SciFi book. So many of you nixed those kind of books right off in the beginning of the club but HA to your surprise it wasn't so bad now was it? You may not be a hard core lover of SciFi but there were aspects of the the book you liked. Suzanne I believe was very please to hear the positive comments about reading this book Dragonflight by Anne McCaffery.
Diana got excited about reading this one when Denise told her it reminded her(Denise) of Avatar but alas Diana had a hard time reading this one.. This was a book she needed to be able to concentrate and that was hard to do with the distractions on the plane. Now Brenda listened to DragonFlight by Anne McCaffery on tape. She said it was very enjoyable.
Okay I screwed up I had Tamica on my email list but forgot to add her to our EVITE. I am so sorry Tamica... You're welcome to join us at anytime. I'll add you to the permanent email list and EVITE if you like. Just let me know.
Suzanne told us that the people from Pern originally came from Earth and in the second book you learn more about their origins. So I'm gonna have to read the 2nd book to find out more.
Not that I really want to know the future but it would be kinda cool to fly between times on my super uber cool shiney Purple Dragon. Yes Purple. I bet Suz would agree seeing that's her favorite color. Once most of us figured out the human from the dragon names it got easier or at least for me.
Cheryl said she wasn't a convert but did like this book and Thanked Suz for picking it. Lauren was already a fan and had already read all 12 in the series. Jan even liked the book. Right? Did those of you who couldn't make it... Did you read the book and did you like it.
At one point of course we got off topic imagine and got to talking about trips, roommates and traveling period. Several were talking about how they hated when they had a roommate. Cindy you should have been there because I brought up the story when you some how got locked out of yours and Cheryl's room in nothing but your t-shirt and had to go to the front desk. Of course they wanted ID. Ummm yeah. LOL And Pam you were mentioned to. I was gonna call you a..... oh well never mind. LOL. Sorry folks you had to be there.
Everyone who wasn't able to join us missed a good time, good friends, and good pizza even a blue cheese pizza. Yum who would have thunk it?
Oh okay DRUUMMMMMM ROLLLLL PLEASE..........................................
Please get in and get your book so we can meet on January 17, 2013.
That is our anniversary. Sweet 16. Can you believe it? 16 years we've been together.
Next to choose will be Carla, Cheryl, Cindy or Dawnie.
Oh Brenda and Jan got the door prizes for being the first ones to reply yes and show.
Okay that's it. You know the book title and the date so do your part and start reading.
See you next year!
Your unofficial secretary/photographer
aka Book Nasi