Friday, December 13, 2019

2019 12-05 One Second After by William Forscher hosted by Barbara

Sorry I'm slow in getting this posted but here's the scoop Thanks to Brenny and Barbara for the book
discussion on One Second After. I was unable to attend but they did a great job.  Thank you Ladies.

I heard the discussion was lively and plenty of it and the Hobbit Hole didn't disappoint. The food was tasty.
One Second After by William Forscher was thought provoking, sad, interesting and tear provoking. It's a dark book.
It made me think of Alas Babylon by Pat Frank. The world has fallen apart and the various communities band together to try to protect themselves, their property, their resources and try to survive. Especially Black Mountain, NC.  I was reading some of the comments about the book when I came across one who thought it ridiculous how the leader of the town sat around continuously talked and calculated  about how much food or supplies they did or didn't have and how to ration. I personally thought it was a good thing. But I think he felt that was the boring part of the book I guess.

I bought the book right after Barbara announced so I could listen to it on hour and half drive home. Then I had to stop because I got a little spooked. It's a daunting subject and I was on Hwy 6 heading home outside College Station and it was dark. I didn't want my car to stop and be out there alone. There's not a lot of houses close to the road. But I went back to reading after several minutes. I had to know what happened. It made me wonder if I would be able to survive. I do have some neighbors but David is gone through the week. I then thought would I see him or Pam again. Knowing David like I do I know he'd find a way home to Pam and then me. But in the mean time could I protect myself, property and animals. Would I ever see my friends?
I have to admit I had tears running down my face several times.

Everyone liked the book including myself but we did find ourselves stopping due to the subject matter. Then start again. The ladies discussed how we each might handle a similar situation. And thought about how they might prepare. Just to name a few

  • stock up on ammo
  • stock up the pantry
  • Gaye's riding her bike to the farm & relocate some guns
  • over the counter medications
  • first aid supplies 
  • batteries
  • maybe fuel for any vehicle that runs on gas without computers.

Gaye commented that it was interesting  that there was a train of thought in neighborly respect, community spirit and focus on faith in Our Father.

Everyone was sadden by the choices required to enforce and protect their resources.
I've tried avoid any spoilers after reading this.

I am currently reading Mr Forschers next book One Year After. And Barbara is reading it too. I want to see how they survived.

Now for the next book..... Brenny announced her book choice was "We Are Our Mother's Daughter's by Cokie Roberts.
Date will be February 21st and the Location to be announced later. Watch the Blog link  for any changes or updates. Then of course I will email y'all too when things change.

The next to choose will be Cheryl, Deborah, Denise,  Diana, Ed, Gaye. Each of you should have a book ready should the person before not be ready.

So until next meeting and blog....~ The person who deserves most pity is a lonesome one on a rainy day who doesn't know how to read. ~ 

Sunday, September 29, 2019

2019 09-26 Nine Perfect Strangers hosted by Kathy

Whew some of us had fun getting into town. Traffic bluntly was a Bitch. LOL But we made it. There was road construction for me on Hwy 6.  Grrr.

Those present were Gaye, Kathy and Barbara, Lauren, Me, Jan and Brenny. Missed the rest of you.  Thank you Gaye for opening your home to us.
  You missed some good food and some good homemade bottled drinks Brenny brought and shared.
 My favorite was a grape drink. All of them were very light and refreshing.  Thank you so much Brenny.  There was lots of laughs and discussion with this book.
I really wanted make a batch of smoothies in honor of Marsha.  Wait Brenny what did you put in those bottles. I felt very energized driving home.  mmmm

We all liked the book. My comment was that I did got irritated with the characters because they were so damn judgmental. Francis thought Tony was a serial killer. I mean he probably had to worry about her sitting in her car beside the road screaming and beating on the steering wheel.  I was reminded that in some way or the other we are all judgmental. Ok point made.   Of course you had to laugh when Tony's pants dropped at the pool revealing his tattoos. LOL

It surprised us all when we found out that Marsha had a second child and just walked away.
And cried when Zoe told the story of her brother.
Her mother was tightly wound but she did lose a child
Her father was boring

Carmel was obsessed with her appearance thinking she was fat. Which apparently she wasn't
Lars was spa junky.... Wonder if he still was after being locked up with 9 strangers thinking he was gonna die
Francis needed to feel better and regroup especially after reading the bad review and the fake online romance.

Jessica & Ben - Lottery winners .. relationship issues. She obsessed with changing her appearance and he's obsessed with the car

And Tony the x football player - Had to love him.
Each character had a secret that would be uncovered while being locked in a room without food for longer than anyone expected.

Could you go a whole week with no wine, snacks, phone and no talking?  Well my talking is limited to the dog, cows and Jerry... Does that count? Wine it would be struggle and I don't have bad snacks in the house anymore. No phone probably but again hard. What about you?

I would give the 4 out of 5 stars. It wasn't what you would call a page turner but I kept reading to find out what brought each attendee to the spa.
I was glad Moriarty tied up the loose ends at the end and didn't leave you wondering what happened to everyone after their interesting spa visit.

Okay now for your next book.....  Barbara's book choice was/is One Second After by William  Forstchen.  Our next meeting will be November 7th. Location to be determined later.

Next to Choose:  Brenda, Cheryl, Deborah, Denise, Diana

I already got the book and started listening when I drove home.

SEE Y'ALL IN November.

Your PITA Secretary/Photographer

Thursday, August 22, 2019

2019 07-20 Where the Crawdad sings

Let me start with Thank you to all who made the drive out to the Rock'n K for my book discussion of Where the Crawdads Sing by Delia Owens. I know there were others who wanted to join us but vacations, family, and work sometimes get in the way. Missed y'all.
Everyone got meet Jerry that wanted to. Jerry was being a charmer that day and when Jan called his name he came to the fence.

This review is a bit scattered and choppy so I apologized in advance.

So the book got everyone's attention. The feedback was everyone loved the book but just couldn't believe that young Kya at the tender age of 5 is left on her own. Her whole family just walks away and leaves her. No way how could a mother and finally the father just walk away.  Brothers and sisters okay for the most part but the parents.  And how does a little Marsh girl survive?
Kya was one resourceful little girl. She knows the marsh and has a little money to buy items at the store. She did what she had to do and had seen her family do. She was raised different than say a town girl.
When everyone is gone except her father, who was an abusive alcoholic she stayed out of his sight to avoid his rath. But then even he leaves and doesn't come back.
As she grows up she begins to yearn for companionship and the young boy named Tate became her friend, her tutor, her love. But then even he leaves and goes off to college.
Then the town hulk Chase Andrews and womanizer takes an interest in the naive Kya. It's not a good interest. Then he is murdered and Kya is the main suspect.
The ending had a twist and a surprise or at least to me.

Here's a link to an interview with Delia Owens that was shared with me and I found it interesting.

Kathy announced her book choice.... "Nine Perfect Strangers" by Liane Moriarty. Hope everyone has gotten their book by now and started reading. I have. Our next meeting will be in October and the location will be announced when the date gets closer.

Next to choose: Barbara, Brenda, Cheryl, Deborah and Denise.

Just because your name is way down the list doesn't mean I won't be calling on you to choose. You need to be at the meeting to announce or send me an email when it's your turn to announce.  Always have a book choice tucked away in your notes in case I call on you.

Oh and Friday the 19th was Barbara's birthday and that's why she had the birthday crown on. Happy Birthday again Barbara.

Your official secretary/photographer

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

2019 05-06 The Wedding Tree by Robin Wells hosted Pam

What a special evening! Not only did we have our usually good conversation of the book and everything else, we had good food but we had a special guest! Our special guest was Robin Wells herself, the author. She fit in quite well with our group. Thank you Pam and Susan S. for making this happen! And a Big Thank to Robin Wells for joining us!  Pam had a great turn out for the discussion of her book choice The Wedding Tree even with the weather being so crazy. The weather cooperated and we were able to sit outside by the pool.  We had a couple extra folks join us at the discussion... Andrew and Sarah (Pam's husband and her daughter.) 
 Thank you Andrew for taking our group picture!

I was so interested in what Robin was telling us I forgot to take good notes and some of them got smudged from water. She always knew she wanted to be a writer. Having both parents being librarians probably had something to do with that. She did work in other jobs plus be a wife and a Mom when she began to truly write As her daughter started growing up Robin decided she had to be true to herself and become a writer if she wanted to instill that same quality into her daughter. She started writing silhouette books that ran around 200 pages because anything bigger scared her. She started in Romance and has moved Women's fiction.
Robin told us a cute story about her parents. They met in Oklahoma and only dated a few weeks before he was shipped out. He sent a letter I believe with money so that Robin's grandmother could go by an engagement ring to give to Robin's Mom. They were engaged by mail. Together they decided that 1 week after his return from the war they would be married. And the rest is history.

She wrote a book called the French War Bride that has the character Addy from The Wedding Tree. Some of the girls started reading it already thinking it was a prequel.  Robin has a new book coming out September 2020 called She gets That From Me.

Suzanne had already decided she didn't like the book before reading it by the title.  LOL but guess what she loved the book especially since it was set in Louisiana. Actually everyone loved the book.
I took a cue from Brenny who tends to always listen to our books if she can so I tried since my drive to doctors and grocery put me in the car for a while. Problem was i didn't want to stop listening when I got to my destination. I wanted to know what happened next and like everyone else i wanted to know what was in the suit case Charlie buried. I found myself laughing out loud right off when Addy started talking to her "mother" floating on the ceiling and the banter between Matt and Hope.

The Wedding Tree was a story of love and obsession from WWII, new budding romance, it was funny, sad and even tragic at times. Definitely recommend.

No one present and on the list had a book choice so I announced a book.. (I then remembered Barbara had texted me a choice. Oops. Barbara keep that choice handy)

My choice was Where the Crawdads Sing by Delia Owens... Next meeting will be in July sometime. Details to be announce at a later date.
Next to choose: Kathy, Lisa, Patrick and Sandy, Susan or Suzanne, Barbara, Brenda.

Just because your name is way down the list doesn't mean I won't be calling on you to choose.  Just like tonight no one had a book ready. Always have a book choice tucked away in your notes in case I call on you.

I wish had an editor to keep me in line when blogging about book discussion.
Until next meeting....
 Your now official secretary/photographer after 22 years. LOL

Friday, April 19, 2019

2019 02-16 Alias Grace by Margaret Atwood Meeting

Jan's meeting was great. We got see Jan's place in Round Top, have good food, be with good friends, and some good conversation. When has conversation ever been a problem with this group. LOL
It was nice to have the meeting in her home. It was easy to hear and comfortable.
Jan picked Alias Grace because she had picked it up at a friends house and couldn't put it down.

Alias Grace is the true story of the 19th century alleged murder by Grace Marks.
Some found it hard to follow at first then they were hooked.

Grace was convicted of killing her employer and his mistress along with a co-worker at a young age around 15. The true story was lost in all the publicity. There was question whether the trial was tainted by her age, her sex or because she was rich.

No definitive answer whether she did or didn't do it. But then what about the hypnosis session at the end of the book? Yet no one is sure if she did it or not.

 Everyone had a great afternoon in Round Top.

Dogs too.  LOL

Thanks to Jan for Hosting and Thanks all of you made it to the meeting. Hope we can do more of this kind of meeting.

The next to choose was Pam. Her book choice is the Wedding Tree by Robin Wells.
Everyone get your book and get to reading.

Next to Choose:  Ed, Jennifer, Kathy, Lisa, Patrick and Sandy, Susan or Suzanne, Barbara, Brenda 

If one of the above is not ready I just go down the list until I find someone who has a book ready to announce at the meeting. So everyone should have a book ready for every meeting. Even Me. LOL

Happy Reading
Until next meeting..... 

Sunday, February 3, 2019

2018 11-01 Eleanor Olifant by Gail Honeyman hosted by Gaye Marie

As I was unable to attend our friend Kathy provided me some info from the meeting. But alas no pictures.
Kathy read the book online and at the end there was an interview with the author that she found quite interesting..........but was able to copy and I couldn't find the interview to share. And she was unable to share it with me. We tried.

Everyone who attended and maybe some others might appreciate the authors thought process. Kathy
Thank you to those who were able to make to Gaye's home.  Diana, Jan, Brenda & Kathy. And Thank you Gaye for trying to accommodate everyone.

Kathy felt the discussion showed everyone felt bad for Eleanor and admired her strength to work through what must have been a traumatic childhood.

Kathy liked the way the author showed Eleanor's growth - going from practically being a robot 
(as her way of coping) to starting to embrace her self worth.     Kathy 

Eleanor was blunt and quirky.  She depended on vodka to get through the weekend. Her co-workers laughed and talked about her but no one knew her secrets. The book was a bit on the dark side yet some laughed and some cried and sometimes all at the same time. 

In a review that I read the reviewer compared Eleanor to Sheldon in the TV show "The Big Bang Theory." What do you think?

Thank you Gaye and everyone in attendance.

Jan announced her book choice Alias, Grace by Margaret Atwood. Date and location to TBD.  

Next to Choose:   Ed, Jennifer, Kathy, Lisa, Pam, Patrick,  Sandy, Susan or Suzanne 

Hopefully one of the above will be at the meeting and ready to announce a book!

You slacker Secretary/Photographer