Monday, December 7, 2020

2020 12-05 Dear Edward by Ann Napolitano hosted by Jan

It was a great day to be with a bunch of book nerds.  Thank you Jan for hosting the meeting for Dear Edward by Ann Napolitano in your home. It was great seeing everyone that was able to make it out. It's always nice to have our discussions in someone's home where we can all hear.  And I love the new tradition of passing the talking stick. I believe at the last meeting it was a bottle of Kentucky Bourbon but this time it was a real Indian talking stick made by a friend of Jan's.

I missed the last meeting when Jan announced her book and the subject matter. It made several of the girls hesitate to read but they did and loved the book. I listened to the book blind and had no idea so when I commented that I must have went to sleep because one minute Eddie and his family were on a plane and next he was in the hospital. I had no clue the plane crashed for a bit.
Denise was glad to hear why the plane went down and decided to do a little research on a Flt 447. She was able to give a good explanation of how Eddie's plane and the Flt 447 that went down in a similar situation. Apparently almost all planes are actually flown on auto pilot. The co-pilot of Edwards plane had over corrected when he shouldn't have and the Captain didn't realize it until it was too late.
Many of us have issues with flying but several said you get on that plane and put in God's hands.
Diana pointed out that Eddie now Edward had always shared a room with his brother so it wasn't so much the baby's room or his Aunt and Uncle that caused him to go to Shay's house next door to sleep.
The fortune teller was the one who really started Edwards healing when she told him he wasn't special or lucky. It was just the natural order.
Barbara didn't want to read the book at first because of the sad subject but the book wasn't written. Edward helped Shay, the principal, Jordan's girlfriend, his Aunt and Uncle and they all helped raise him.
Suz loved the book and wants to start the tradition of the talking stick with her grandkids. 
Ellen was glad to see that the Uncle John had saved the letters for when Edward was ready he could read but Edward of course found those letters. The letters helped bring him and the Uncle closer. She felt sorry for Aunt Lacey. She wanted a baby but got a 12 year old.
Jay Jay loved the fortune teller but didn't like that the Aunt kept wearing her sisters clothes. Understanding it was her sister that died on that plane but think of how Edward felt.
Gaye agrees with everyone and loved the book. She loved the authors writing and how the story line flowed. It was nice how he put personalities to the people on the flight with Edward and his family.
Jan picked this book at the recommendation of a friend. It's not a book she would have picked on her own. She liked the principal how he used taking care of his plants to help Edward.
It was amazing how families of those killed on the plane wanted to touch Edward as if he was the chosen one. 
Loved the ending how the book tied up loose ends and Edward and Shay took the inheritance from Jax to help many of the families of those killed on the flight.

And it was fun recognizing the book that Eddie's brother was reading, Prayer for Owen Meany as a book club book also chosen by Jan.

Great meeting and I was able to take decent notes by using the talking stick.
Again Thanks Jan for hosting in your home and cooking. Thanks to everyone who brought food And Ellen thank you for being the photographer. Great Job.

Next to chose was Jay Jay.... And her book choice is The Pale Faced Lie by David Crowe.  Our next meeting is January 14th, 2021.  That'll make 24 years we've all been together.  Location to be announced at a later date. 
At that meeting it will be Kathy, Lauren, Lisa, Pam, Sandy or Susan.
Also wanted to let y'all know that Deborah is dropping out for now. Family health issues. We'll miss her and she'll come back one day.  
What a Great Group of book nerds!

Get busy reading. 

Until next meeting... ~ Reading is a means of thinking with another person's mind; it forces you to stretch your own. 

Your secretary/former photographer.... I'm handing that title to Ellen. She does such a great job.