Saturday, March 28, 2015

2015 03-26 Raising My Rainbow Discussion hosted by Brenda W

Nice night at Star Pizza last night. Awesome pizza and Suzanne's sandwich looked really tasty too. There was only 6 of us but we got the job done and discussed Brenda's book choice "Raising My Rainbow" by Lori Duron. Everyone seemed to like the book over all but there was some who worried that the author shouldn't have named the kids in the book. Some worried that when the kids get older they might be traumatized that Mom would talk about how CJ wore little girl panties or enjoyed playing with girl toys. CJ is gender creative or gender non-conforming. The book will follow CJ his whole life. Or Suz was worried that he is only 5 what if he decides he is all boy not a boy who likes girl stuff. And he and his brother Chase read about the tears and the angst the parents suffered over his gender non-conforming.
I think we answered that concern.. The author was in tears because he was gender non-conforming but because she just wanted CJ to be happy but she worried about his safety as he grows up. All she and the Dad want to do is let CJ be himself and Happy.
We were all amazed in how well they did handle the situation and didn't give a rats ass whether people approved of their parenting method. They weren't pushing CJ to be one way or the other. They let him be Himself. And the Dad was a cop. You couldn't get any more macho but he loved and accepts CJ.
Why did Brenda pick this book... well at the last meeting no one had a book and she had just read it and found it interesting. She has personal experience of a loved one being gay. Her grand-daughter announced she was gay. When did her grand-daughter know and why if there is an answer to that. Brenda didn't have either answer but Brenda said it didn't matter. They love her no matter what. I would like to think that's how we would all feel.  The book gave some shared some theories but who really knows... 1 It's heredity 2. birth order 3 some trauma
Kathy questioned if after the heart ache of her brother was she trying to recreate that same scenario and make it right this time. Personally I don't think so but we all have our opinions

Now for a couple of tidbits. We were wondering how old CJ is today.... Drum rollll. CJ turned 8 February 1st. At this time he still likes to wear girl clothing, shoes, and plays with girl toys. His friend Samuel started school this year as a girl. That was hard on CJ. His mother wasn't sure if it's because he lost his friend Samuel or if it was because he was envious of the choice his friend made. 
This is one thing I think if I get time I might comment on her blog when I get to really start reading it. Some how that sounds confusing and a bit unrealistic. Oh let's see this year I'll be a boy and oh next year I'll be a boy. I'm not saying this child needs to make a choice now of his or her preference just that I don't think it makes sense to let them jump back and forth. Hell that's got to be confusing for the kids at the school. It definitely had the parents at the PTA riled up about these children going into the appropriate girls or boys bathroom. 

A picture of CJ from August or September 2014

 The perfect poster was hanging at Star Pizza. Had to share with those of you who didn't make it.

 The Discussion came to an end and no one at the table had a book so I texted Barbara real Quick to see if she had one which she replied with one that I announce right then. And just before getting home I get this message "I changed my mind" so let me announce this book and get it in writing before she changes her mind again. Just Kidding Barbara.... So with out further ado  .... Barbara's choice is "Food...A Love Story" by Jim Gaffigan

Next to choose will be Lisa, Pam, Patrick, Sandy, Susan, Carla, Cheryl

 See y'all in May.