Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Accordion Crimes Novel by Annie Proulx hosted by Jan

Well while the book was not a big hit with everyone including Jan we still had good food and fun. Jan said this book came highly recommended but she not sure why. She can't wait to get hold of the person who recommended it to find out what it was that this person loved so much.  Jan will have to share her findings.

We welcomed a new member tonight...Jennifer. She already knew the way to our hearts was through our stomachs.  She made an awesome Italian Creme cake with Orange curd between the layers. Hmm I think that's what she said...Either way it was soooo good.  And I was told that Naomi will be coming back to join us. Will be great having her input.

This is Riley. He was hoping Lauren would give him more luvs and maybe drop a morsel of food his way. Sweet boy. His co-heart in crime was Lulu and she was the official greeter.

As always trying to catch pieces of the many conversations regarding the book is always fun.
Jan said this was full of raw sex, hard to read, but the book was interesting because of all the different windows you saw of so many immigrates but wanted know where the humor was in this book. 
Cheryl's not sure if she'll finish reading the book or not. She kept reading hoping for some happy ending. 
Brenny too was waiting for a happy story and Barbara felt the book too wordy.
Jennifer was waiting for a climax. She found no redeeming value.
Gaye said Nope to this book
The book jumped around too much and the writing seems to be disjointed. You could never get attached to a character. 
Maybe that's because you knew that the character was going to die a violent or grim death.
I went to read some other reviews and they pretty much said the same thing. Depressing, grim and hard to pick up after you stopped reading. No one is happy, not the characters nor the reader at this point. One reviewer said it was refreshing. From everything I heard and read I don't know that this book and the work refreshing belong in the same sentence. LOL
Jan did say that the Green accordian originated in Italy. And Hey Lisa Rhodes where was our accordian music. You were suppose to play for us.. Jan laughed and goes now that we've thoroughly slammed this book who picks our next book.
And the answer was/is Kathy.... TA..DA
LOL she feels the pressure of picking the next book is big. She was too worried trying to decide which book that she didn't finish this one. Poor Kathy.
Without further ado, Kathy's choice is "Why Not Me?" by Mindy Kaling.  Next meeting will be February 16th, 2017. Location to be determined later. So get that book and get to reading. Next to choose will be Lisa, Lauren, Pam, Patrick, Sandy, Susan, or Suzanne. Be ready folks.
Thanks everyone for coming out and thank you Jan for hosting in your home.
One Last thing....Happy 20th Anniversary WTS Book Club!
February 20, 1997
Can you believe it?  January 1997 our club was formed and on February 20 we had our first meeting. Brenny chose that first book "She Came Undone" by Wally Lamb. It was pouring down rain that night but it didn't stop this group. 
Thank you Jan for bringing us together.  Oh the adventures we have had and oh how we've changed

Until next meeting

Your unofficial secretary/photographer