Friday, April 19, 2019

2019 02-16 Alias Grace by Margaret Atwood Meeting

Jan's meeting was great. We got see Jan's place in Round Top, have good food, be with good friends, and some good conversation. When has conversation ever been a problem with this group. LOL
It was nice to have the meeting in her home. It was easy to hear and comfortable.
Jan picked Alias Grace because she had picked it up at a friends house and couldn't put it down.

Alias Grace is the true story of the 19th century alleged murder by Grace Marks.
Some found it hard to follow at first then they were hooked.

Grace was convicted of killing her employer and his mistress along with a co-worker at a young age around 15. The true story was lost in all the publicity. There was question whether the trial was tainted by her age, her sex or because she was rich.

No definitive answer whether she did or didn't do it. But then what about the hypnosis session at the end of the book? Yet no one is sure if she did it or not.

 Everyone had a great afternoon in Round Top.

Dogs too.  LOL

Thanks to Jan for Hosting and Thanks all of you made it to the meeting. Hope we can do more of this kind of meeting.

The next to choose was Pam. Her book choice is the Wedding Tree by Robin Wells.
Everyone get your book and get to reading.

Next to Choose:  Ed, Jennifer, Kathy, Lisa, Patrick and Sandy, Susan or Suzanne, Barbara, Brenda 

If one of the above is not ready I just go down the list until I find someone who has a book ready to announce at the meeting. So everyone should have a book ready for every meeting. Even Me. LOL

Happy Reading
Until next meeting.....