Sunday, November 29, 2015

The Dog Who Saved Me hosted by Cindy

Thanks to all who made it to Cindy's Book discussion of The Dog Who Saved Me: A Novel by Susan Wilson. It was a fun and eventful meeting like always. Surrounded by good friends with a common bond... reading.  Thanks Jan for opening up your home for the meeting where Cindy fed us yummy Chili with all the toppings. For appetizers we had artichoke dip and isn't this just great I forgot what else. 

I do remember everything being tasty. And don't let me forget the dessert.... Kathy made us cute little hoot owl cupcakes. See what you missed.
Aren't they cute?
 Diana had a story of her own to tell at the meeting and what a story it was. She may have found her birth father but we won't know for a few more days. Time will tell.
Only 5 out of 8 of us present read the book so conversation was limited.
Brenda is not a dog person so she had already decided before opening the book that she wasn't gonna like it but she was pleasantly surprised and loved the book.
Jan thought the book in the beginning was almost written for kids. 
This book is about Cooper Harrison a member of the Boston K-9 unit and his struggles after his dog partner is killed in the line of duty. The story line is about abuse, hardship, tragedy and survivorship. How one can over come all the bad and heal. Both human and animal. And of course a little romance is thrown in the mix. 
Everyone loved the book
As always our conversations go everywhere. It just wouldn't be right if they didn't.  Some how we got to talking about James Bond, Val Kilmer who Cindy thinks is a junk of butter, mmm okay and Daniel Craig and Pierce Bronsen is the best.  Okay I a Sean Connery fan all the way especially as he aged. Then we talked about how Barbie has changed and now you can't even google Barbie without coming up with porn. Oh great! I had to share the story of my nephew from Missouri when he was about 11 or 12 was on Pamela's computer. He's dream at the time was to own a Hummer so he typed in hummer well he got more than he bargained for. You guessed it Porn no cars. LOL Some had no clue what a hummer was..... they were enlightened. LOL
You ladies are awesome
The evening was closing down and Denise announced her choice of reading
Product DetailsBook 1 of 3.
Shadow of the Wind by Carlos Ruiz Zafon
Our next Meeting will be January 21 2016
That will make 19 years of friendship and book club bliss.
Hugs y'all

Until January 21
Sincerely you Unofficial Secretary/Photographer

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

The Orphan Train by Christina Baker Klein hosted by Diana Davila

Wish everyone could have joined us Thursday September 24th for the book discussion for Diana's Book choice but I understand all too well that things happen and you can't always make it but we're always happy when you do. Seven of us made it out for some good food, margarita's, friends and conversation.Teotihuacan Mexican Cafe provides plenty of tasty food to pick from and the prices are reasonable.  
Everyone present loved the book and the story line. Now Barbara felt it was wrapped up to nice and neat. And question how could a mother an orphan herself ever do what she did. Sorry can't tell you everything.... 
The story kept everyone's attention and wanting more. You'll get sucked up into the characters lives and wonder why and how they did what they did. You'll disagree, you'll question but you'll find yourself accepting their decisions.

Young Molly an orphan finds herself in trouble with the law and needs to complete 50 hours of community service. She hides behind her goth dress her pain and rejection. The popular boy in her new school, Jack, could see past the dress and dark make up and became her boyfriend. To avoid jail time he has arranged for Molly to do community service with the help of his reluctant mother for a 91 year old woman named Vivian Daly. Molly learns that Vivian was an orphan too and that's when the story begins and the bond begins.

The story bounces back and forth between the 1920's to the present. You'll find love, perseverance, adversity and survival. You'll find secrets of the past how child welfare made their choices and other dark secrets.

Great book Diana. I've still got to finish and I will because the book is really good.

Trumpets please....... Cindy's choice is The Dog Who Saved Me by Susan Wilson. Our next meeting is Thursday November 19th. 

Next to choose will be Cheryl, Deborah, Denise, Ed, or Gaye

FYI I will be dropping Kris and Susan from our regular membership list but Ladies that doesn't mean you can't come back. Just follow the blog and you'll know what book we're reading and when we'll be meeting.  Just let me know and I'll add you back on the email list if so desired. 

Your unofficial secretary/photographer



Monday, August 3, 2015

The Captain's Wife by Douglas Kelley hosted by Carla

Meeting for The Captain’s Wife @ RedFish Grill turned out just fine. And the food was pretty tasty. Wish more of you could have joined us but that’s the way the cookie crumbles. Just as the last person arrives the rain came down and the lights went out.  Mmm do we get to eat or not? We did and even though the restaurant was fairly full it was easy to carry on a conversation and hear. 

Thanks for coming out and sharing your input on the book

I don’t know about y’all but I don’t think I would have gone on that voyage no matter how much I missed my husband. Especially knowing the dangers of the straits near Cape Horn.
The book is based on the true story of Mary Patten age 19 and her husband the Captain Joshua Patten age 29.  Little did Mary know that she and the 2nd mate would command the ship and navigate their way through the straits to San Francisco when her husband becomes ill and the first mate sits imprisoned in the bows of the ship for trying to start a mutiny. And during that time she realizes she’s pregnant. I mean what did she expect with all that humping like bunnies. And during the storms, navigation, and commanding she was a constant nurse mate to her husband.
Do you think of Mary as a feminist? We decided she was a survivor. She wasn’t out to change the world she just did what had to be done or all would be lost.
And what did you think of the relationship between Mary and the 2nd Mate Timothy Hare. The girls say brotherly love while Timothy may have had stronger feelings. I wasn’t sure but after thinking about it every one might be right.
I know the book had a slow start but once they got on the ship the action began.  Everyone at the meeting liked the book and Cheryl said in her email she liked the book. I got word Cindy didn’t like it because she read a spoiler and knew the outcome…. I hope those that didn’t make it out read the book and liked it. I hope. ;o)
Executive decision was made that night unless you send me or pass on your book of choice to announce I’ll choose the next person in line that is at the meeting to announce their book as usual but unless you tell me prior to the next meeting you will be at that you have a book to announce I will just continue to move on down the list. It’s getting confusing trying to keep up with the order of who choses when you miss a meeting or two. So it’s on you to let me know if I passed you up that you want to announce the next book.  Also remember to reply to the EVITES or email me directly of your intentions about coming to meetings. Sorry can’t read your mind and it makes it hard to plan food and seating.
Hope y’all remembered to wish Denise and Diana a Happy Birthday on the 31st and be sure to wish Kathy a Happy Birthday on 8/12.

Now without further ado… Let’s me announce the next book.
Diana’s choice is “The Orphan Train by Christina Baker Klein”
That meeting will be on Thursday, September 24th.
Hope everyone has a great month of August!

Your unofficial Secretary/photographer


Monday, June 1, 2015

Food...A Love Story by Jim Gaffigan hosted by Barbara

What a fun evening! So glad the weather permitted us, all that could, meet up. The food was really good and the Top Shelf Margarita was like whoa. And if you weren't there then we just talked about you. 
How many of you could pronounce the restaurant name? Well Gaye could. 
What do you think of Jim Gaffigan and what did you think of the book.
Barbara loved seeing this guy in person. She wanted a book with no plot, some humor and thought this one fit the bill.
A little story... While Gaye was getting ready for knee surgery Diana and Barbara read some of the book to her. I believe maybe drugs were involved then again maybe not but our Gaye was hitting on the anesthesiologist and they had the nurse laughing so hard she had to sit down. Just a little story I had to throw in. Okay you had to be there...
Jim had a unique point of view. He saw seafood as bugs like cock roaches or spiders for example. I kinda have to agree with him that how can you trust a skinny food critic. I mean if you love food you need a little meat on your bones. Obviously there's a lot of talk about food in this book so don't read if you're hungry or you could be running to the fridge. Jim Gaffigon will talk about all the foods he likes and dislike and break them down by region. I did chuckle several times and so did others. When he compares an anchovy to a sweaty eyebrow was one of them for me. Especially because it made me think of a co-work who can't stand cilantro and says it smells like a sweaty little kid. I love cilantro. We died laughing at lunch one day as we were eating Mexican food and she wasn't because it had lots of sweaty kids cilantro. Probably another you had to be there moment. Anyway hope you found something to chuckle or LOL while reading too.
This guy lives in a 2 bedroom apartment with his wife and 5 kids. Wow and they even go out to eat. I think that would give him more material for his comedy acts.

Favorite quote 
Hope your Coffee is Strong
Your Cheese is Sharp
and your
Guacamole is chunky.
Well I was told to take off my secretary hat and put down my pen because What happens at book club stays at book club. Yep some of it was R rated maybe X. Nay just R but it was funny.

No one before me had a book so I announce my book for our next reading assignment......
And my choice was "The Captain's Wife" by Douglas Kelley. The book is based on true events.  Our next meeting will be July 16th and the location will be announced at a later date.

At that time the next to choose will be Lisa Rhodes, Pam, Patrick, Sandy, Cheryl, Cindy.

PS: Soap box time **When the Evite goes out Please take the 2-3 minutes it takes to RSVP even if it means you have to email me. It's hard to plan on seating and food sometimes if you don't reply and then show up. Please.. And a big Thank you to those who take the time to hit reply or email me your status.

I guess my meeting attendance just dropped after my soap box. aka your book club nazi

You unofficial secretary/photographer

Saturday, March 28, 2015

2015 03-26 Raising My Rainbow Discussion hosted by Brenda W

Nice night at Star Pizza last night. Awesome pizza and Suzanne's sandwich looked really tasty too. There was only 6 of us but we got the job done and discussed Brenda's book choice "Raising My Rainbow" by Lori Duron. Everyone seemed to like the book over all but there was some who worried that the author shouldn't have named the kids in the book. Some worried that when the kids get older they might be traumatized that Mom would talk about how CJ wore little girl panties or enjoyed playing with girl toys. CJ is gender creative or gender non-conforming. The book will follow CJ his whole life. Or Suz was worried that he is only 5 what if he decides he is all boy not a boy who likes girl stuff. And he and his brother Chase read about the tears and the angst the parents suffered over his gender non-conforming.
I think we answered that concern.. The author was in tears because he was gender non-conforming but because she just wanted CJ to be happy but she worried about his safety as he grows up. All she and the Dad want to do is let CJ be himself and Happy.
We were all amazed in how well they did handle the situation and didn't give a rats ass whether people approved of their parenting method. They weren't pushing CJ to be one way or the other. They let him be Himself. And the Dad was a cop. You couldn't get any more macho but he loved and accepts CJ.
Why did Brenda pick this book... well at the last meeting no one had a book and she had just read it and found it interesting. She has personal experience of a loved one being gay. Her grand-daughter announced she was gay. When did her grand-daughter know and why if there is an answer to that. Brenda didn't have either answer but Brenda said it didn't matter. They love her no matter what. I would like to think that's how we would all feel.  The book gave some shared some theories but who really knows... 1 It's heredity 2. birth order 3 some trauma
Kathy questioned if after the heart ache of her brother was she trying to recreate that same scenario and make it right this time. Personally I don't think so but we all have our opinions

Now for a couple of tidbits. We were wondering how old CJ is today.... Drum rollll. CJ turned 8 February 1st. At this time he still likes to wear girl clothing, shoes, and plays with girl toys. His friend Samuel started school this year as a girl. That was hard on CJ. His mother wasn't sure if it's because he lost his friend Samuel or if it was because he was envious of the choice his friend made. 
This is one thing I think if I get time I might comment on her blog when I get to really start reading it. Some how that sounds confusing and a bit unrealistic. Oh let's see this year I'll be a boy and oh next year I'll be a boy. I'm not saying this child needs to make a choice now of his or her preference just that I don't think it makes sense to let them jump back and forth. Hell that's got to be confusing for the kids at the school. It definitely had the parents at the PTA riled up about these children going into the appropriate girls or boys bathroom. 

A picture of CJ from August or September 2014

 The perfect poster was hanging at Star Pizza. Had to share with those of you who didn't make it.

 The Discussion came to an end and no one at the table had a book so I texted Barbara real Quick to see if she had one which she replied with one that I announce right then. And just before getting home I get this message "I changed my mind" so let me announce this book and get it in writing before she changes her mind again. Just Kidding Barbara.... So with out further ado  .... Barbara's choice is "Food...A Love Story" by Jim Gaffigan

Next to choose will be Lisa, Pam, Patrick, Sandy, Susan, Carla, Cheryl

 See y'all in May.

Saturday, February 21, 2015

2015 01-15 Lacuna by Barbara Kingsolver hosted by Suzanne

Sorry this post is so late but I got busy/side tracked. What can I say....
Glad so many came out to Frida's Mexican Restaurant to join Suzanne in the discussion of her book choice Lacuna by Barbara Kingsolver. Nice turn out and the food was good and of course so was the company.
Unfortunately many of us hadn't finished the book but those that did really liked the book.

So glad Cindy has turned a new leaf and lets me take her picture. 

Denise was ready to get rid of the mother who was annoying as hell.

Everyone felt the book ending was perfect.
If you haven't finished reading this book I hope and I know Suzanne would be happy if you did.  The backbone of the story is the communist/worker's movement & US and Rivera, Kahlo & Trotsky's part in it. Kingsolver imagines what it would have been like living in these households during the turbulent period. The story is about politics and history and much more. 
For those that read or finished the book do you think this book trumped the Poisonwood Bible? I'm still working on reading this book so I can figure that out and find out exactly what the perfect ending was. 

This would be my one complaint about our seating. I felt like we had 2 separate groups and I couldn't hear all the comments regarding the book.  If you have any comments on the book you'd like to share click on the comments word and leave your comments. But what better place to hold the meeting but Frida's Mexican Restaurant.  It's always great to be around the group. 
What better place to hold a meeting but at Frida's Mexican Restaurant.  And it's always great to be with this group.  The only person at the meeting ready with a book was Brenny so without further ado....................... Here's her choice of reading.
"Raising My Rainbow" by Lori Duron
Meeting Date:    THURSDAY March 19, 2015

Location:  to be announced

Next to Choose:  Kris, Lisa Rhodes, Pam, Patrick, Sandy, Barbara

See y'all soon

Your unofficial secretary/photographer