A good crowd showed up at Jan's for her book Strangers on a Train by Patricia Highsmith. So just how or why did she pick this book. She had never read the book but was impressed that it had been made into a movie by Hitchcock. Plus the author was from Dallas. The story line made her think of "Throw Momma from the Train". It's a take off of the book and during the movie they were actually watching the 1951 Movie of Strangers on a Train. But she wasn't impressed with her own choice and kept apologizing but no apologizing needed. That's what this book club is about. Reading and learning. We've all had our share of duds and really I didn't think it was that big of a dud.
I do know I may think twice about taking to strangers when I travel by public transportation. LOL
Brenda wasn't impressed with the book at all and couldn't believe something like this would actually happen. In today's world I could. People are weird and crazy.
Suz liked it but said it did get a little creepy. She hated Guy because he was such a wimp. Her favorite character was Miriam but she didn't last long.. With that said she didn't feel she would recommend it to others.
Suz had a new friend during the discussion that caused some excitement. Suz was moving fast and slung the damn thing towards Pam. That damn thing was A large tree roach crawling on her arm. LOL
What are the chances you meet a stranger on a train and a plan is devised to murder someone for each other? Hopefully very slim.
Kathy and Lisa Rhodes were off the hook because Cindy had actually given her book choice to Jan before heading off to Michigan.
So here's Cindy's Choice.... The Art of Racing in the Rain by Garth Stein. This book is narrated by the I believe the family dog. Well I know a dog narrates it.
Next meeting is August 21. Location to be announced.
Run out...Shop on Line...or check out your book soon.
I was told it's been long enough I could be called the official secretary but it just doesn't have the same ring.. LOL
Your unofficial secretary and photographer
Oh Jan guess what they made into a lamp today on Mega Dens. A print plate just like yours!